Silver Chain. Enhancing In-Home Services through User Research
This case study delves into the transformative journey of Silver Chain's In-Home Care Services, where user navigation and information architecture underwent a remarkable revamp. By harnessing the power of Cluster Analysis and leveraging intelligent information architecture, Silver Chain elevated their care experiences to new heights. Through a deep understanding of user segments, Silver Chain implemented strategic improvements that catered to the unique needs and preferences of their diverse user base.

Attitudinal vs Behavioural. How to Choose the Appropriate Research Method
Attitudinal vs Behavioural Research Methods: A Guide to Choosing the Right Approach

How Mixed Methods Can Be Used to Avoid Bias
Silverchain used mixed methods research to understand consumer decisions. This helped to minimise recall bias and social desirability bias by identifying the most salient events or experiences for the participants and corroborating the findings

The Importance of Understanding User Mental Model when Designing an Information Architecture
Understanding user mental models is important in IA design because it helps designers create an IA that aligns with the user's expectations.

The Quest for Seamless User Navigation
Harnessing the Power of Optimal Workshop to Refine User-Centric Design

A Journey into Mix-Methods Research
Unlocking User Insights through Mix-Methods Research and Statistical Analysis
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