Coca-Cola Amatil. Focusing on Sustainability and Equality
This case study examines the redesign of the Coca-Cola Amatil website, focusing on improving the information architecture (IA) to highlight the company’s commitment to sustainability and work equality. The goal was to make it easier for users from different regions to find relevant content related to these topics, while also catering to the needs of investors, commercial partners, and suppliers.
Research and Analysis
The project began with a discovery workshop with stakeholders to gather insights into target users and their content and feature requirements. Eight proto-personas were identified, representing different user segments such as motivated professionals, the interested public, and vested cohorts.
Analysis of web traffic data from the existing website revealed several key findings:
• Most traffic came from organic Google searches, with frequent keywords related to specific products and sustainability efforts.
• Many landing pages had a high bounce rate due to insufficient content.
• The investor and supplier section had mostly returning users who accessed it directly, but the “Investor and Media” page had the lowest engagement with a 50% bounce rate.
• Consumer website visits were driven by environment and health concerns or product knowledge and discovery.
“The research highlight two key consumer motivations for visiting the website: seeking information on environment and health, and product knowledge and discovery. This suggests a consumer interest in sustainability and a desire to understand the company’s practices in these areas”
Card Sorting and Landscape Review
To understand user mental models across regions and segments, hybrid card sorting tests were conducted with 200 participants from Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia. Participants were given pre-made groups and the ability to create new ones and assign names. The results showed consistent grouping of terms related to company values, history, product, career, and investment, but some discrepancies in categorizing topics like “diversity & inclusion” and “responsible sourcing.”
A landscape review of websites in the fast-moving consumer goods category and those with large navigation trees provided insights into common practices like mega-menus, topic-based navigation, and audience-based navigation in a global nav bar.
“The project created an optimal IA that facilitated access to information about Coca-Cola Amatil’s positive impact, encompassing environmental efforts, community support, and global workforce initiatives. This focus on showcasing the company’s positive contributions directly addresses consumer interest in sustainability and corporate responsibility.”
Information Architecture and Testing
The new IA was divided into three groups: primary (customer), secondary (investor, supplier, job seeker), and tertiary (government agency, NGO). Treejack testing was used to validate the IA and uncover unexpected interaction patterns, revealing that some information could be placed in multiple locations due to users’ different mental models. To address this, internal links and related content were added to ensure findability across different navigation branches.
Results and Improvements
The new navigation structure features a dropdown menu, allowing users to explore second-level pages under each of the seven first-level pages. This model improved navigation, especially for mobile users.
Further improvements included:
• Page structure: Prioritizing content from deeper levels and merging some pages to reduce the need for additional page loads.
• Infographics: Synthesizing complex data into visually engaging infographics to enhance transparency and understanding.
• News and dynamic content: Categorizing news within specific sections for easy access to relevant information.
“ +214% time on-page indicates users find the information desired
+62% returning traffic to Sustanibiliy pages”
Through research, user testing, and analysis, the Coca-Cola Amatil website’s IA and user experience were significantly improved. The redesigned website successfully aligns with the brand’s sustainability and equality goals, caters to users from different regions, and fulfills the needs of investors, partners, and suppliers. The result is a more engaging, user-friendly website that effectively communicates the company’s commitment to sustainability and equality.