The Role of Retro in Design Sprint

The world of design is one that is constantly evolving, but one of the most powerful tools that designers have at their disposal is the concept of retrospection. In the context of a Design Sprint, the 'Retro' phase (short for 'Retrospective') plays an indispensable role. Here's a deep dive into the importance of retro in a Design Sprint design.


What is a Design Sprint?

A Design Sprint is a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with users. Developed at Google Ventures, it's a "greatest hits" of business strategy, innovation, behaviour science, design thinking, and more, packaged into a battle-tested process that any team can use.

Understanding Retro

A Retro is a moment of reflection. It provides a designated time for teams to discuss what went well, what didn't, and what could be improved. While the practice is borrowed from the Agile methodology, where teams have retrospectives at the end of sprints, the idea fits seamlessly into the Design Sprint framework.

Why is Retro Vital in Design Sprint?

Feedback Loop. One of the biggest strengths of a Design Sprint is the rapid feedback loop it creates, allowing for swift pivots or iterations. A Retro ensures that this loop is not just external (with users) but also internal (within the team).

Team Alignment. After intense sessions of sketching, debating, and prototyping, a Retro ensures the team aligns on decisions made, reasons behind them, and the way forward.

Continuous Improvement. The very nature of retrospection promotes a mindset of continuous improvement. When done regularly, it helps in refining the Design Sprint process itself.

Cultural Significance. Establishing a culture where feedback is welcomed and valued is essential. The Retro phase fosters a safe space for open communication.

Conducting an Effective Retro in Design Sprints

Stay Positive. Begin with what went well. It sets a positive tone and allows team members to appreciate each other's efforts.

Be Constructive. When discussing challenges, focus on being constructive. Avoid blaming and instead focus on solutions.

Promote Openness. Encourage all team members, irrespective of their roles, to voice their thoughts.

Document Insights. Capture the feedback, insights, and action items. This documentation will be crucial for future sprints.

Act on Feedback. The true value of a Retro is realised only when feedback is acted upon in subsequent sprints or projects.

How to Run a Retro

Running a retrospective, or "retro" for short, is an essential part of Agile methodologies, but its principles can be applied to any team or project setting. A retro is designed to help teams reflect on their recent work, analyze their processes, and identify ways to improve. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to run an effective retro:

  • Set the Stage

  • Begin by setting a positive, collaborative atmosphere.

  • Make sure everyone understands the purpose of the retro.

  • Ensure psychological safety: emphasise that all feedback should be constructive, not personal.

  • State the duration (typically, retros last from 30 minutes to an hour)

Gather Data

  • Collect information on what happened during the sprint or project phase. This can be metrics, anecdotes, observations, or any other relevant data.

  • This data provides context and helps everyone remember and reflect on the events.

Generate Insights

  • Ask team members to share their thoughts on what went well and what didn't.

  • Use prompts like:

    — "What did we do well?"

— "What could we have done better?"

— "What did we learn?"

— "What still puzzles us?"

  • Allow everyone to speak without interruption, and ensure everyone has an equal chance to contribute

Prioritise Issues

  • Once all issues and accolades are on the table, prioritise them. You can use dot-voting, where each member gets a certain number of "dots" or votes to allocate to the issues they deem most important.

  • This step ensures the team focuses on the most pressing or impactful items.

Decide on Actions

  • For the prioritised issues, brainstorm potential solutions or improvements

  • Each action should have a clear owner who is responsible for ensuring it's carried out

  • Make sure actions are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART)

Close the Retro

  • Sum up the key takeaways and decided actions

  • Reiterate the importance of continuous improvement

  • Thank the team for their honesty and commitment to improvement

  • Set a date for the next retrospective

Follow Up

  • It's crucial that the actions decided in the retro are actually implemented. Otherwise, the retro can seem like a futile exercise.

  • Regularly check in on the progress of the action items to ensure they're on track.


In the fast-paced world of Design Sprints, the Retro phase acts as a grounding mechanism, ensuring that the team not only remains aligned but also evolves with each sprint. It emphasizes the iterative nature of design, making the process as important as the product. In a landscape where agility and adaptability are key, Retro ensures that a Design Sprint remains a valuable tool in a designer's arsenal.


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